
We are Anonine

“I don't want to live in a world where everything that I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity or love or friendship is recorded.”
― Edward Snowden
About Us
We value Internet freedom the most and our mission is to provide necessary tools for protection of private life of Internet users. was founded 11 years ago in Sweden as this country was known as the most secure and loyable in Internet privacy and security community. With the course of time and appearance (or basis for appearance) of new regulations concerning obligatory storage of users data or obligations to provide users data upon some reasons to the government, we have transferred our company to offshore jurisdiction in order to provide the high level of protection not only in digital world, but even through the lens of national law. Now our VPN company is Seychelles-based company that shall not share the information about its activity with the local authority and shall submit only to the local jurisdiction.
Our Team

First of all, our team consists of like-minded persons who respect the private life and anonymity considering them the elementary of human rights. Being not gigant company, we don’t seek more users, but always focus our efforts on keeping the individual approach to every user and high quality of services. You can see it for yourself by using our service or contacting support department.

Pricing Policy

We believe that a good service sell itself without large marketing budgets. Thus we are able to invest more in continuous improvement of our infrastructure and new technical decisions without increasing the prices of VPN services in comparison with our competitors.

Our Priorities
Our main priorities are high level encryption, not keeping logs, extensive VPN servers network, high speed, trouble-free continuous service functioning and GDPR compliance. We are doing our best to comply with the latest technologies, developing new products and options in order to provide the highest level of protection and comfortable usage of the service. The most of our technical architecture decisions are made in order not to use the services of the third parties that can endanger the privacy of our users. We involve the third parties services only in the case of necessity, binding them with the stringent conditions of Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidential Information Agreements depriving them of the opportunity to identify our users.
Our Service
We have got over one hundred Dedicated VPN servers in fifty six locations worldwide. Administering our network, our main task is to monitor every server separately to prevent the overload in the peak time and to provide good service at different times of day.
Also, our internal team has developed easy-to-use applications for most popular platforms for enjoying our VPN from different devices.
Anonine stores all the data of its users in such a manner that any data is divided and stored on different servers located around the globe in different jurisdictions. Thus it will be impossible to gather together total information concerning definite user data immediately.
All data coming through Anonine is highly encrypted with Military Grade Encryption AES-256-CBC with a 2048 bit strength SSL key.
In addition to all existing payment methods, Anonine has implemented anonymous cryptocurrency payment, with the help of which the user can pay for our VPN with different cryptocurrencies at his own discretion.
Warrant Canary

As of 6/26/2024 no warrants from any government have ever been served to Anonine, its owners or its employees, including any National Security Letters or any gag orders. No searches or seizures of any kind have ever been performed on Anonine assets. Anonine, its owners and employees have no direct or indirect knowledge of any backdoors, or potential backdoors on Anonine servers and/or Network and Anonine has not received any request to implement a backdoor. Anonine has never disclosed any user's data and communications to any third party.

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